Your time is precious : it should be allocated in an optimal manner

so you can focus on building your business.

Trusted advisors since 1975

In 2025 we will be celebrating 50 years as a true services provider and 15 years as an independent provider!

Based in Switzerland, Candeo Corporate Services SA is an independent family office services provider of bespoke trust, corporate and fiduciary services.

We are an independent solution provider. We draw upon the resources in our extensive network to create bespoke solutions for your private or corporate needs.

You gain time and efficiency, and confidentiality is ensured.

Our aim is to build a long-term relationship with you, to grow with you and guide you in the present and in the future.

We listen to you, to understand your story, your needs, and your dreams. When your needs are defined we will search for the best solutions.


โ€ข Company creation, domiciliation, re-domiciliation
ย  โ€ข Business office
ย  โ€ข Special purpose vehicles
ย  โ€ข Provision of director and secretary
ย  โ€ข Wealth management and commercial bank accounts
ย  โ€ข Accounting & tax
ย  โ€ข HR & payroll

Family offices services

โ€ข Wealth planning
ย  โ€ข Property management
ย  โ€ข Single family office set-up
ย  โ€ข Virtual Family Office
ย  โ€ข Private office services
ย  โ€ข Regulatory & Compliance
ย  โ€ข Aircraft / yachts
ย  โ€ข Philanthropy & non-profit projects
ย  โ€ข Conciergerie & Lifestyle


Accendo Family Office SA, Candeo Corporate Services SA and Serenity Trustee SA have their headquarter in Geneva/Switzerland, a politically, economically stable and safe environment. Candeo Services DMCC based in Dubai, Jumeirah Lake Towers, in the 34th floor of the Swiss Tower, takes advantage of an innovative, well-regulated and safe environment.

Candeo, Geneva

Swiss Financial Intermediary
OAR-G supervision for AML regulation

Corporate services
Foundation services
Business office

Candeo Dubai

DMCC free-zone supervision
Licensed to provide Management Consultancy & Corporate Services

Corporate services Relocation services

Accendo Family Office SA, Geneva

Group holding entity

Swiss Family office services
Trusted advisors services

Serenity Trustee

Swiss Financial Institution

OAR-G supervision for trustee & AML regulation

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